I have found another video that I wanted to share by YouTube User Music By Pedro. He plays 4 different saxophones and and edits it so that he has it playing all at once.
After seeing this video I went and found the sheet music for Jurassic Park and modified it to create my own preferred sheet music style with the fingering on it. If you get the chance to try it out let me know in the comments below. I have tried it a few times, and each time I go through it I hear it sound more and more like it should.
If you notice any incorrect fingering, or if you have any suggested songs or modifications please comment below,
The first song I decided to try was Amazing Grace, however I was able to pick that one up by ear, so I do not have the notes for that one at this time. I may try to get the notes written down, but i don't know when I will get the chance for that, so the next song I was able to find was When The Saints Go Marching In. The problem I had was that although I know how to read music I was unable to read it fast enough while playing, and being a beginner I was still unsure of the fingering for the different notes. My solution was to create my own "sheet music" using the fingering chart posted previously that would help me out,
The first thing I would suggest for anyone to have when attempting to learn the saxophone is some kind of fingering chart. The one I have posted here is a good one for two reasons. First you have the image of the sax on the left with the buttons as they are displayed on the chart so you know what buttons the chart is referring to. Second is if you are unable to read music it will help you when looking at sheet music. Although I would strongly recommend learning how to read music as it will help in the long run.
When I was first learning to read music I found the best way was with the following:
I have just started playing the Alto Saxophone again after about 12 years away from it. When I did play I was nothing special it was high school band, so I am not claiming to be an expert in any way, and I am not doing this because I think I have anything to teach to anyone.
The main focus of this page is to provide general info on the sax and hopefully I will be able to provide other people with information videos and anything I can create that I find helpful for myself that may help you as well.
During my history with the sax I have played both the Alto and the Tenor. There are four standard types of saxophone the Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Baritone. Where I currently only own an Alto Sax that is what all of the content on this site will be referring o the Alto unless otherwise stated.
There are a few websites that I have found very useful myself The first one I found was thanks to YouTube where I first found some instructional videos. The website is called SaxStation.com and you can see his YouTube videos by clicking Here I will also add some of my favorite YouTube videos on later posts.
Another great instructional video page on YouTube is from the user MrSelfridge the best thing with this guy is that he breaks a song down to parts and makes it very easy to play along. he also has songs for other instruments including the clarinet, flute, and trumpets.
Some of the stuff I plan to post on here will be videos of sax players that I find online like the following a street performer Rakiem Walker at Central Park in New York.
If you do have any questions I will do the best I can to answer them if you leave comments, but please keep in mind that as I am still considering myself to be a beginner as well I may not have the answers that you are looking for, but I will do what I can to answer them or find the information that will help.